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Townsville City Council
Accelerated Sustainability Planning

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Workshop Proceedings & Outcomes
17th - 21st May 2004

“Achieving sustainability does not mean slowing down our economy. It means speeding it up, and directing our energy toward the redesign and redevelopment of existing systems that create new opportunities for the future”.
                                   Alan AtKisson, President, AtKisson Inc 2004

Deputy Mayor, Councillors, Managers, and representatives from Townsville Business, Industry and Government.
Deputy Mayor, Councillors, Managers,
and representatives from Townsville Business, Industry and Government.

Workshop supported by TCC Engineering Services


Qld Government - EPA & QPWS


Report produced by Michael Lunn, Sustainable Management Systems, Greg Bruce TCC Environmental Management Services and Guy Lane SEA O2 Sustainable Development.


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Executive Summary

1. Introduction
2. Building the Pyramid – the levels
3. Workshop Results
4. Indicators and Linkages
5. Systems Mapping and Analysis Level
6. Innovations and Strategy
Appendix 1 - Attendees List
Appendix 2 - THYS Sustainability Briefing / Focus Group
Appendix 3 - Change Agents Sustainability Training
(Assets, Concerns, Values and Visions Linkages)
Appendix 4 - Townsville Sustainability Compass Index (Indicators Sheets)
Appendix 5 - Three Power-point presentations:
      1. Council Executive Briefing
      2. Business and Community Partners Executive Briefing
      3. Townsville Have Your Say (THYS) sustainability presentation

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