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Core Environmental Indicators for Reporting on the State of the Environment

Core Indicators Cover Graphic

Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
State of the Environment Reporting Task Force,
ISBN 0 62419479 3

This report presents a set of core environmental indicators for reporting on the state of the environment. These were identified and developed by the State of the Environment Reporting Task Force of the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC). The indicators cover six of the state of the environment reporting themes: the atmosphere, biodiversity, the land, inland waters, estuaries and the sea, and human settlements. Indicators for the seventh theme, natural and cultural heritage, are being developed through a separate process.

This core set of environmental indicators was endorsed in December 1999 by ANZECC Ministers. ANZECC recognises that the core set will continue to evolve as the suitability and applicability of the indicators are demonstrated through use by the Australian community. Further indicators may be added as understanding of the environment and methodologies for data collection and analysis continue to improve. Together with the more specific indicators currently in use by the Commonwealth, various States, Territories and Local Government, core indicators will help to build a consistent picture of trends in the Australian environment.

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