Colour Blindness - Information and Simulations for deuteranope, protanope and tritanope, the 3 main types.

About 8% of men and 0.4% of women have some form of color blindness.

What colour blind people see (deuteranope) This figure simulates the web-safe colors as they appear in a deuteranopic condition.  In most other categories of color blindness, protanopia, protoanomaly and deuteranomaly, the view is very similar but there are subtle differences.  In one very rare form, called tritanopia, affecting thirty people in a million, colors appear very differently - simulation below.

What normal people seeHere is the main web-safe color reference.

In most forms of color blindness, these colors appear similar to those above.







Information and images courtesy of

Simulations of how the SOE appears to someone with deuteranope, protanope and tritanope

Deuteranope - red/green color deficit
deuteranope simulation

Protanope - another form of red/green color deficit
Protanope simulation

Tritanope simulation - a blue/yellow deficit - very rare
Tritanope simulation

Simulation engine and images courtesy of