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Castle Hill Track Upgrades 2006

May 2006 saw the start of a major project to upgrade many of the heavily used walking Tracks on Castle Hill. Funding was received under the Sport and Recreation Queensland (SRQ) Major Facilities Program 2006 with equal contributions of $195,750.00 each from Council and the Queensland Government ($391, 5000 total).

The purpose is to help provide good quality safe trails for recreation and exercise. Some tracks, such as the well known Goat Track are being improved by continuing efforts from previous years, while other tracks are a result of long term informal use by local residents which will be formalised into safer, more sustainable tracks as a result of this project.
The completed steps on the Balmoral track

Click to Enlarge: Rowes Bay as seen from the Balmoral track
Click to Enlarge: Rowes Bay as seen from the Balmoral track

The upgrade works being undertaken will result in sustainable track corridors that have a reduced impact on the natural surrounds by controlling erosion and will provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for all track users. Defining a safe track entry / exit; re-profiling the existing rough track surface to provide a safe and user friendly track; rehabilitation works and installing track signage.

Work will be undertaken on the West End Track, Cemetery Track, Maidenhair Track, Yarrawonga Track, Goat Track Upper Section, Goat track Lower Section. (Some of the tracks will be renamed as part of this process)

Citiworks have been contracted to undertake most of the major work involved in the upgrades, while teams from Conservation Volunteers Australia will be undertaking the work on the tracks in the west end area.

A Helicopter was contracted to haul materials to sections of the Goat Track

Click to Enlarge: Rowes Bay as seen from the Balmoral track
Click to Enlarge: The view of West End from the Cemetery Track.

Conservation Volunteers Australia Conservation Volunteers Australia
work on West End Tracks

Teams from Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) have been contracted to undertake the work on the West End sections of the Castle Hill tracks. The tracks in this section traverse through some of the most beautiful natural areas on the hill, and the CVA teams have been using the natural surrounds to build more distinct and formal tacks that will minimise erosion and improve safety while blending into the natural scenery.

CVA was established in 1982 to "attract and manage a force of volunteers in practical conservation projects for the betterment of the Australian environment". CVA uses teams largely made up of visitors from overseas, as well as volunteers from the local area, under the guidance of a team leader with experience of track maintenance of this kind.
The Cemetery Track after upgrade works by CVA

Conservation Volunteers Australia, Castle Hill Track Crew 28/7/06

CVA Townsville can be contacted on 07 4721 4077 or 07 4721 4351.

Enquiries regarding the Castle Hill Track Upgrades can be directed to Townsville City Council Environmental Management Services on 47279312

Supported by
Queensland Government - Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and RecreationConservation Volunteers Australia



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